Church for Artists

A few months back when I was figuring out how to spend my  weekend a friend of mine (you know who you are) told me that she was going to church on Sunday. I didn't take her for the religious type or at least the type that was willing to get out of bed before noon on your two days off. When I asked what church she went to she laughed and said that she meant the MET. 

Apparently this girl had been spending her Sunday for the past few weeks wandering around the glory that is the MET. She called it church for artists. Now this may not seem like a very big deal to you but to me it was everything. Why had I not been going to the MET every Sunday? Or Chelsea galleries on Saturdays? What was I spending my weekends doing all this time??? 

So now as you can see the MET has become a part of my regular weekend routine, something I recommend every artist do. To know your past is to be able to understand what your future can become. At the very least go check it out because of these 5 reasons: 

1) It's "pay as you wish" aka free, if you wish.

2) The lighting in the Greek section in the afternoon is to. die. for.

3) Egyptian tombs are cool. Egyptian mummies in tombs are even cooler.

4) Even if you hate art the MET has the best rooftop in the city an yes, they serve alcohol up there.

5) Because if you live in New York and haven't been to the MET you have no idea what you're missing out on.