Chain Gang

When the sun is out and you get in new white pants from Romwe there's only one thing to do: 
Go wild on garage rooftops and by wild I mean strap yourself into your Jeffrey Campbell's, layer every piece of bad-ass jewelry on your body and let the wind take control of your lioness mane.

As you can see that is exactly what happened on this fine day, along with the police asking me what the hell I was doing and then leaving a bit baffled that I take photos of myself, myself. I can imagine what was going through that poor soul's head as he drove away, "Art students are weird.....". Yes sir, and we are damn proud of it. Moving onto the featured fashion today I chose to take these pictures in this setting to coincide with my new jewelry and specifically my new shoulder pieces. I've seen these getting popular and am so glad that I finally have my own as it's a great way to add decadence to even the most basic outfits. Fashion Diggers has them for only $22 in silver, gold, and gunmetal. 

You can also find all of this other punk rock inspired jewelry at Fashion Diggers. I must admit after following Fated To Be Hated for several months now I have gotten addicted to the idea of having a million rings on my fingers at all times and now I finally can. Hooray for over indulgence of silvery goodness! 

All jewelry Fashion Diggers, Shirt Marshalls, Pants Romwe, Shoes Jeffrey Campbell