It may not technically be my first day back to school like some people as I have been taking summer classes for the past 2 months but none the less, coming back to fall semester is an entirely different experience than any other semester. The sidewalks and corridors are overflowing with new faces, confused faces, ecstatic innocent faces, and it's always the best time to go people watching. I took these photos outside of my school's library as this was my back to school outfit so I could think of no place more fitting for a location. I wanted something casual yet not jeans and t-shirt casual. Professional but not business suit professional. I wanted to show my style but not scream it if you catch my drift. So I came up with this little ensemble: my over-sized 80's power jacket, a neutral tank top, and a brocade skirt to match with my gypsy coined headpiece that goes so nicely with the color of my hair, I think. What did you all wear on your first day back?
Jacket Nine Bird, Skirt handmade, Chain Headpiece Fashion Diggers, Ring Ebay |