This week campus seems to have been dominated by the preppy or highly culturally influenced, or at least that's what seems to have caught my attention for the most part. To start off I saw the gentleman below casually reading my school's newspaper, The Beacon (of which I write a Style Sightings column so if you haven't seen it go get it!). Although his outfit was simple in appearance I loved the fact that rolled his jeans up to create a high-water effect that nicely showed off his shoes without being flashy.
Then I met this lovely lady, Carolina Barreto. She reminded me of a modern Cher (Cluesless reference). Everything from the highly coordinated black and white theme, to her delicate jewelry, loafers and bow tie all created a fantastic preppy and highly educated look.
I then met art history major Carlos Aispur (left) wearing a corduroy vest with nice button down shirt and also rolled up jeans to show off his stripped socks. When asked how he would describe his style said, "Chic and preppy." The student on the right is unknown but the preppy varsity influence is clearly present in her clean cut red-stripped sweater, casual khakis, and classic Converse's.
Although this girl isn't representing any clear preppy qualities or obvious "fahsion" qualities in her attire there was something about her sitting there reading in this beautiful light with her baby blue sweater that has made me completely fall in love with this photo. There's a peaceful sereneness about it that's like quiet magic to me. When I approached her to ask if I could take another photo she seemed stunned that I would want to take her photo in the first place as she didn't think she looked "fashionable" but I explained that to me having style has nothing to do with knowing about fashion or wearing what you saw on the Forever 21 mannequin. To me this girl has an innate sense of self that caught my attention and if style isn't about character I don't know what is.
More on sweaters I met Franchesca Espinosa who was wearing this awesome sweater dress featuring a close-eyed bunny. After talking for a bit she told me how she is mostly inspired by Anime and Manga and that most of her clothing comes from Asian based online stores, for example her sweater comes from the popular site Yes Style.
Finally we have Madhuri Guttta. As you all know I am extremely interested in Eastern fashion's and when I saw her passing by me in the hall's I was obligated to ask her to stop for a photo. It turns out that this week was the Hindu holiday celebration Diwali and that is why she was dressed so elaborately. I for one would like to see everyone dress this elaborately everyday, but a girl can only wish....