Sea No Fear: Behind the Scenes

A few weeks ago I had the beyond amazing opportunity to creatively direct and style my first professional photo shoot. When I approached the photographer Ed Maximus with the idea of helping him out with some shoots he was wary at first but signed on with the idea after I presented the sea-punk dripping mood board. I was extremely inspired by Kaytee Papusza's toxic funk and of course the sea-punk and nu-goth trends showing up on tumblr and on the likes of rapper Azealia Banks. The first part of the shoot took place at an abandoned marina in Key Biscayne but after running into some mishaps we had to high-tail our asses over to the Wynwood Walls before we lost sunlight. 

The make up artist was my friend Kayla Carcone. I had worked with her a few years ago for a project on the blog but since then I have seen her do some really mind-blowing work with Sean Ocean and immediately knew she would be perfect for this shoot. I absolutely loved her style the day of the shoot, especially her rings and Monroe piercing. Note the makeup brush in her ear (not placed there), ready to go at any moment!

The model was Anabel Gonzalez, someone that is rather new to the game but you never would have known. She completely embodied the character I was going for and had such a positive and bubbly attitude the whole time. It's hard to find a model that can really model and trust me, this girl's got it.

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All of the above photos were taken by me but the most important mind-blowing one's were taken by the amazing Ed Maximus. Below is a teaser of the results of our Sea No Fear editorial. There will be much more to come soon enough but for now take the time to bask in all that is unicorns and cigarettes.