Summertime Boredom

I am still waiting to get some photos back to share with you all from my show on Friday but for now I can share that it was abso-fucking-lutely amazing! Thank you to everyone that came out and supported me, it truly touched my heart deeper than I can ever express with words. Now for some photos that are a week old but still extremely relevant.

 There may not be a catchy song about it but I'm sure more of us have experienced summertime boredom more often than summertime sadness. I like to keep myself busy all the time and when I say that do not undermine me. I am seriously busy ALL. THE. TIME. So when I find myself with a day of absolutely nothing to do boredom feels deathly. Thankfully I have a camera to entertain me in my boredom, but only to a certain extent. This is an expression of what I do in my summertime boredom: random shit with my jewelry, mindlessly flipping through photography books, playing with my hair, staring out the window and blankly at computer screens, and laying pitifully on my bed as I do absolutely nothing about my boredom. That's a lazy Libra for you people. 

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